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There’s nothing you have to do in preparation for your 16 week ultrasound. This scan of the extended tummy tuck relies on a transducer that can be moved over your stomach to show 2D images of your baby’s development. It’s non-invasive and won’t harm the baby or you, although it can cause discomfort if the tech requires pressing slightly at times.
Expect the ultrasound to last between 30 and 60 minutes. In the course of your procedure, the ultrasound technician or your doctor, also known as a sonographer, will:
- Take measurements of your baby
- Check the growth of their spine
- Reconfirm their heartbeat
This is all to make sure that everything is moving according to plan. Depending on the baby’s position you could be required to turn or move to allow the technician to see more clearly from various angles. They’ll also be looking for movements of the fetus. So don’t be shocked by the gentle poke of your sonographer on the extended tummy tuck abdomen of your baby to help your baby move when they’re not active during your appointment.
What can you Expect to be Able to?
When you scan at 16 weeks, it is possible to observe an extended tummy tuck fully formed baby but very tiny. However, if the development is on the right track and you can see them, you will see fingers, arms, legs, toes, and expressions on their faces during the ultrasound.
Suppose you’re looking to find out (and the baby cooperates in moving into the proper place). In that case, Your technician may as well identify the gender of your child since the genitalia must be visible in certain positions. But, this could require confirmation later on.
Your Body in Week 16 of your Pregnancy
After the unpleasant first extended tummy tuck trimester, you’ll likely feel much better. The symptoms of being pregnant at 16 weeks are much more bearable for most women. In addition, you may see yourself recovering energy that you lost in the early stages of pregnancy! However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be expecting some new signs when you’re 16 weeks pregnant. Here are a few of the most frequent extended tummy tuck changes that you should expect when you’re 16 weeks pregnant:
16 Weeks of a Pregnant Belly
- You’ll be sporting the minor 16-week-pregnant bump. In the first trimester of your pregnancy, you may have gained weight with no baby bump to be seen. Your 16-week pregnant belly will, however, confirm that you’re expecting.
- When you enter your second trimester, your uterus will expand to as big as an apple. At present, it’s somewhere between your navel and pubis. The ligaments that keep the uterus in position are swelling and thinning in preparation for growth.
- The 16 weeks of pregnancy baby’s growth in weight should average about 1 pound (0.45 kilograms) per week, or about 4 grams (1.8 kilograms) each month.
16 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
You’re likely very content to have gone through those unpleasant extended tummy tuck pregnancy symptoms early. However, this doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be any signs of change. Your hormones strive to keep you in pregnancy, which means there are still signs. Some of the most commonly reported symptoms you’ll experience when you’re at 16 weeks pregnant are:
Larger Breasts
you might have thought that your breasts won’t grow any larger after the first trimester – be wrong! Your breasts will continue getting larger in preparation for the time when you’ll be breastfeeding.
Lower Back Discomfort
when your ligaments around those that keep your uterus in place stretch, you may experience some pain. This is mild pain, and you should contact your doctor if it gets worse. Gets worse.
As your uterus gets larger, it exerts pressure on other organs. The stress impacts your bowels. This means that the flow of your bowels can slow down.
Varicose Veins
Your blood volume has grown, and your uterus is pushing the veins of your legs and pelvis. This can cause varicose veins, mainly if you’ve gained weight quickly.
Pregnancy Brain
Many women identify this symptom by the name of “brain fog”, and even though it sounds like something made up, it’s pretty natural. In pregnancy, the ratio of brain cells decreases, which can cause problems with concentration and forgetfulness.
Better Nails and Hair
Finally, there are some positive changes! The hormones of pregnancy will cause your hair to fall out less frequently, and you’ll probably get healthier nails. Now you are 16 weeks pregnant and are in the second trimester. But, of course, you might have already announced your pregnancy already or even are showing a bump!
Typically, during a typical pregnancy, you’ll get two extended tummy tuck ultrasounds. One between 8 and 14 weeks to verify that your baby is heartbeat-free, and the second within 18 to 20 weeks. An ultrasound at 16 weeks isn’t always available; however, occasionally, your doctor may ask to see you run additional tests for your pregnancy, but this isn’t something to worry about. Plus, it gives you an extra glimpse of your baby growing.
The Skin Changes
You might have been told about”the “pregnancy glow,” and now it’s your time to feel it! The increased blood volume in blood vessels and the hormones associated with pregnancy that cause more oil production could cause pregnant skin to appear glowing and flushed. Many women enjoy the way their skin seems at this time of year. However, it is not uncommon to get dark marks known as Melasma (which tends to fade once your newborn baby’s birth) or experience the occasional breakouts of acne. To prevent escapes, clean your face two times each day with a mild cleanser and warm water. You may also consult your dermatologist or doctor to recommend products suitable for utilization during the pregnancy.
At 16 weeks pregnant, nosebleeds could be a problem for some mothers-to-be and could result from increased circulation and increased amounts of hormones. While nosebleeds in pregnancy are common, it does not mean they are any less challenging to manage. It is possible to keep the occurrence of nosebleeds during pregnancy to an absolute minimum by humidifying the air inside, moisturizing areas of your nostrils using petroleum jelly, and slowly cleansing each nostril one at an if you need to blow out your nose.
The Feeling of Dizziness
Feel like the room is spinning? Dizzy spells are typical for mothers-to-be. It could be a consequence of hormones that cause an increase in blood flow during pregnancy. Make sure you are hydrated and stay away from standing for prolonged durations. If you are feeling dizzy, lie on your side, or feel dizzy during exercise, consult your doctor.
Before Your 16 Week Ultrasound
What are you feeling like at the age of 16 weeks pregnant? This is usually considered the best among the three because you can be sure that the early signs of extended tummy tuck pregnancy are gone, and you might feel more energetic and may even enjoy a gorgeous glowing pregnancy glow!
Even though it’s young during your pregnancy, you could begin to feel your baby moving by your fourth month! It may feel scary initially, but it will eventually bring the realization that you are developing a tiny human inside the womb. The baby you are carrying is around four inches in length currently, which is roughly equivalent to the size of an apple, but they’re already kicking their little legs. In addition, the bones and muscles of their baby are beginning to take shape together with their nervous systems. The placenta, too, is growing and is working hard to supply everything your baby needs via your umbilical cord.
As mentioned above, extended tummy tuck ultrasounds at 16 weeks are not offered in all cases; however, don’t be worried. It is much more complicated than doing. However, your doctor may want to ensure whether everything is going in the right direction and decide the presence of any irregularities. If you’ve had an unusual pregnancy before or have any risk factors, they’re watching you closely, which is a great thing. Additionally, you’ll be able an opportunity to look at your infant once more in this scan of your anatomy and maybe even take some photographs to keep.
There isn’t something specific for your ultrasound to prepare. But, of course, it would help if you arrived at your appointment on time. That’s all there is to it! Only you, along with your work, your forms, along with your bump, are everything you’ll need.
During The 16 Week Ultrasound
The ultrasound is conducted in the same manner as the first. Your sonographer applies ultrasound-sensitive gel onto your extended tummy tuck. Then use a small probe known as a transducer. It will push down and capture pictures of the 16-week foetus on the monitor. It’s a non-invasive process, but it could be uncomfortable when the sonographer has to press down more at specific points to obtain a clearer view. It is possible to move your position so that every angle of the baby is seen.
Additional screenings are scheduled for various reasons. For example, if you are at risk of having a pregnancy because of certain medical conditions, you could be carefully monitored in the case of a twins pregnancy. An ultrasound at 16 weeks of twins can allow your medical professionals to keep a watch on both babies’ development and check to see if they’re doing well. In addition, any issues you may be suffering from can be discussed during the scan.
The sonographer might also want to determine the size of the baby’s. The fetal measurements may offer a more precise due date than what you were provided when you had your first ultrasound. It is also possible to hear the heartbeat of your baby, which is always an incredible experience. And you may be able to see your baby’s heartbeat across the screen.
Your baby’s age at 16 weeks is very early. However, he will appear like a real extended tummy tuck baby with tiny legs, arms, and fingers! Based on your baby’s position and position, the sonographer may be capable of revealing the gender of your baby if you’re interested in finding out. However, the accuracy of the 16-week ultrasound for gender cannot be guaranteed, and a more precise gender prediction will usually be made at a later scan.
Also read: Tightness in Stomach During Pregnancy Third Trimester

During this ultrasound, you will also be looking for any possible issues with your baby’s development. It may sound a bit frightening, but it’s essential to collect as much information as you can in the order you’re prepared for the outcomes. There are many things to check for ultrasound scans by observing the infant’s movements; however, your doctor might also want to conduct a specific blood test known as”quad screen”. In addition, other factors that affect the outcomes obtained from blood tests, such as weight, age, and ethnicity, are considered.
One of the reasons you might be given this kind of test is if you’re aged 35 or over or if you suffer from Type 1 Diabetes, or if you have a family history of developing abnormalities. The tests you can observe include diseases like Down syndrome, chromosomal problems, and neural tube issues.
If your test results identify a possibility of an abnormality in the development of your child, the patient will be provided with additional tests to determine additional information. Specific procedures, such as Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sample, are more in-depth and slightly risk miscarriage. They both require the collection of pieces in the uterus.
In most cases, the doctor will try to determine the most pertinent information with non-invasive tests for prenatal extended tummy tuck pregnancy, such as more ultrasounds. It is essential to be aware that tests such as those are not required, and you don’t need to consent to them simply because your doctor suggests that it. It is crucial to conduct your investigation and make the best decision for your family and yourself. Many pregnant women decide to opt-out of additional tests, and it won’t impact the rest of your care during pregnancy.
Any additional tests may reveal no abnormalities, so your pregnancy could continue exactly as it did. As long as everything is in order, you are at low risk of having a miscarriage following the 16-week scan is at a minimum of 0.5 percent. If you discover information that you didn’t expect during this scan, there’s a lot of help and support available.
After The 16 Week Ultrasound
If all goes well following this ultrasound, you’ll be able to go to your home and get ready for the remainder of the pregnancy. At 16 weeks, you’re already four months pregnant. This means that you’re almost there. You’ll begin to feel growing more and more movements from your baby. And as they grow, those kicks become bigger; you may even notice tiny feet pressing to your abdomen from inside.
If you received photos from your scan from ultrasound at 16 weeks, you might want to save them in your collection or put them on your fridge to be able to see your baby growing constantly. Sixteen weeks of pregnancy is an ideal time to start planning to welcome your newborn, especially if you’re fortunate enough to have the energy surge today. After a few weeks, when you’ll have a bigger stomach, you may not be as keen to put baby clothes in order or even paint the baby’s room!
Terms to Know
Triple Screen
A prenatal blood test that looks for specific components in the bloodstream could indicate genetic anomalies within the foetus. Notably, the test is a look at the concentrations of the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), the protein made by the fetus’s organs, including two hormones: human chorionic gonadotropin as well as estriol and also known as the triple marker or second screening test in the second trimester.
Quadruple Screen
An early blood test that tests the levels of specific components in the bloodstream could indicate genetic anomalies in the foetus. Apart from detecting levels of AFP, estriol, and hCG like the triple screen, the quadruple screen examines for another hormone, inhibin-A. The quadruple screen can be the quad test or the second screen for screening tests in the trimester.
What Preparation is Needed for a 16-week Scan?
Your baby’s 16-week will have the largest extended tummy tuck ultrasound one you’ve had in the course of your pregnancy. A few things need to be taken care of before you can undergo the 16 weeks ultrasound scan. Your baby, which is around 4 1/2 inches at the end of the 16 weeks, is expected to by a factor of two and continue to grow from here each month. There will be an increase in weight during this period; however, nausea in the morning will disappear completely.
The body starts making milk. This can cause the breasts to grow. Additionally, the belly will grow more extensive; the skin color will change to a degree. Before scanning, it is essential to bring documents regarding your or your loved one’s history of medical issues. You should present them to your gynecologist. Ask questions about any signs or problems that you might be experiencing.
Also, you should undergo an entire physical exam, including the breasts, thyroid, lungs, and heart. It is recommended to have a lab test to determine the presence of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or other urinary tract infection through urine tests. Being familiar with the terms that relate to pregnancy and medical procedures like ultrasound can help you understand your baby’s needs more clearly.
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Do you know the Gender by 16 Weeks?
At just 16 weeks old, it is possible to identify whether your infant is male or female. You might be thinking about the gender of your baby to help plan your next trip or simply for curiosity. It is crucial to remember that it can be challenging to determine the gender of your baby on the first scan due to its position.
Are you able to Feel the Baby as Young as 16 Weeks?
Week 16 is when some women start feeling their infants’ movements. In the beginning, these tiny movements can be challenging to differentiate from the small gas bubbles. Many women describe the feeling as butterflies flying around or popping popcorn in their stomachs.
What Hue is your Urine Colour when you are Expecting a Baby Boy?
Extended tummy tuck pregnancy is a time of pee in a cup, making this test more straightforward. Take a closer to examine the urine color to determine what you’re drinking. Dark, Bright, and neon-like urine generally indicate a boy, while light, cloudy, and clear urine is a girl.
What do you Want in the Perfect Boy?
When you’re a boy, you’re craving sweets and salty foods such as potato chips and pickles. For girls, it’s all about chocolate and sweets. There is no evidence to support this. Research has been conducted on food cravings as a reliable indicator of sexual desire. These cravings could be more connected to the changing needs of your body.
Are you able to Influence the Gender of the Baby?
In terms of whether there’s a certain chance to alter your odds to having a boy, there’s not. Other than implanting an embryo in a way that’s believed to be male, there’s no guarantee in regards to the gender of your child.
The Main Takeaway
The 16 weeks pregnant ultrasound can be the first time you get an honest look at your child. This exciting moment helps alleviate anxiety and makes the whole extended tummy tuck pregnancy experience more tangible. Although it is not invasive, this test is necessary to detect possible developmental anomalies and ensure that the baby grows appropriately. While not all pregnancies will come with an ultrasound of 16 weeks, you’ll probably be able to complete this vital step at some point in between the 16 and 20 week gestation time.